MAGAs Aren’t Republicans

Kevin King
3 min readNov 7, 2022
Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

After seeing Arizona candidate Kari Lake attack John McCain, I’m reminded that for all that MAGA is, one thing it is not is Republican. Much like the Tea Party Republicans of yore, MAGA Republicans are the very definitions of RINO — Republican In Name Only.

Tomorrow, Nov 8, 2022, is the day when Republicans, Democrats, independents, and yes, even the MAGA faithful, cast votes for the future of America. Sadly, the future that MAGAs see is far different than the future that Republicans or Democrats want.

Democrats and Republicans both want basically the same things, although they approach the ends through entirely different means. Republicans believe that if you make rich people richer, the poor people will get more. Democrats believe that everyone should pay taxes equally. As for us independents, we wish the Republicans could see the failure of trickle down economics and wish the Democrats would actually be a little more proactive about fulfilling their promises.

To be fair, the last two years of the Biden administration have been a breath of fresh air for us lowly independents. Despite Republican opposition at every turn, some very positive things have been accomplished by the…



Kevin King

“The first step to achieving the impossible is to believe in its possibility.” I write short pieces to inform, inspire, and hopefully teach a fast-paced world.